Archive 17/01/2023.

Urhoplayer.exe crash when playlist path contains special characters like ÅÄÖ


I need to render the movie. So I’m passing arguments for example (urhoplayer.exe “D:\Projects\övrigt\playlists\20181105–103658–b2995b35-5383-466e-bdec-58625370912f” -x 600 -y 800 -WindowPositionX 7 -WindowPositionY 29) to uhro player. but it crash the urhoplayer. This is due to special characters in my playlist path. Is there any solution available for this ?


FWIW, it looks like it is Windows-specific problem. I could not reproduce it locally on Linux host, at least on my Fedora system.

[weitjong@igloo bin]$ pwd
[weitjong@igloo bin]$ ./Urho3DPlayer /tmp/övrigt/build/native/bin/Data/Scripts/
[Mon Nov  5 21:53:00 2018] INFO: Opened log file /home/weitjong/.local/share/urho3d/logs/
[Mon Nov  5 21:53:00 2018] INFO: Created 3 worker threads
[Mon Nov  5 21:53:00 2018] INFO: Added resource path /tmp/övrigt/build/native/bin/Data/
[Mon Nov  5 21:53:00 2018] INFO: Added resource path /tmp/övrigt/build/native/bin/CoreData/
[Mon Nov  5 21:53:00 2018] INFO: Adapter used nouveau NVC8
[Mon Nov  5 21:53:00 2018] INFO: Set screen mode 1920x1200 fullscreen monitor 0
[Mon Nov  5 21:53:00 2018] INFO: Initialized input
[Mon Nov  5 21:53:00 2018] INFO: Initialized user interface
[Mon Nov  5 21:53:00 2018] INFO: Initialized renderer
[Mon Nov  5 21:53:00 2018] INFO: Set audio mode 44100 Hz stereo interpolated
[Mon Nov  5 21:53:00 2018] INFO: Initialized engine
[Mon Nov  5 21:53:00 2018] INFO: Compiled script module Scripts/

I’m running on this Windows 10.


Anything in the log? Users/__YourUserName__/AppData/Roaming/Urho3D/logs/__ProgramYouRan___.txt


No logs. I’m just passing command line arguments to urho player.

urhoplayer.exe “D:\Projects\övrigt\playlists\20181105–103658–b2995b35-5383-466e-bdec-58625370912f” -x 600 -y 800 -WindowPositionX 7 -WindowPositionY 29


I found why this is happen on windows. (bool FileSystem::FileExists(const String& fileName) const)
here we have this check statement

#ifdef WIN32
    DWORD attributes = GetFileAttributesW(WString(fixedName).CString());
    if (attributes == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES || !(attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
        return false;

and it returns null if path with contains letters like ÅÄÖ


What’s your system codepage?

Switching to using the correct OS functions (MultiByteToWideChar) in the WString consversion will most likely fix it. The current EncodeUTF16 functions are codepage ignorant.