Archive 17/01/2023.

UI custom draw


I need to draw a ruler over 2D view in my app, what is the best way to do it with Urho?


If you can’t get what you want by applying a texture to a sprite/button, or even combining a bunch of ui elements, then you might want to subclass Button and override the GetBatches functions. Here’s a wip class for a custom bezier curve:

#include "UICurve.h"

UICurve::UICurve(Context* context) : Sprite(context)

void UICurve::GetBatches(PODVector<UIBatch>& batches, PODVector<float>& vertexData, const IntRect& currentScissor)
	if (pathQuads.Size() < 4)
	bool allOpaque = true;
	if (GetDerivedOpacity() < 1.0f || color_[C_TOPLEFT].a_ < 1.0f || color_[C_TOPRIGHT].a_ < 1.0f ||
		color_[C_BOTTOMLEFT].a_ < 1.0f || color_[C_BOTTOMRIGHT].a_ < 1.0f)
		allOpaque = false;

	const IntVector2& size = GetSize();
		batch(this, blendMode_ == BLEND_REPLACE && !allOpaque ? BLEND_ALPHA : blendMode_, currentScissor, texture_, &vertexData);

	//iterate over pathQuads and push to batch
	for (int i = 0; i < pathQuads.Size()/4; i ++)
		//adjust ordering for render
		Vector3 a = pathQuads[4 * i];
		Vector3 b = pathQuads[4 * i + 1];
		Vector3 c = pathQuads[4 * i + 2];
		Vector3 d = pathQuads[4 * i + 3];

		AddCurveSegment(batch, a, b, c, d);


	UIBatch::AddOrMerge(batch, batches);

	// Reset hovering for next frame
	hovering_ = false;

void UICurve::Update(float timeStep)


void UICurve::UpdatePath()

void UICurve::SetStartPoint(Vector3 newPos, bool moveTangent)
	if (controlPoints.Size() < 4)
		URHO3D_LOGERROR("Control points have not been initialize.");

	//get move vec
	Vector3 tan = controlPoints[1] - controlPoints[0];
	Vector3 vec = newPos - controlPoints[0];
	controlPoints[0] = newPos;

	if (moveTangent)
		float d = 0.5f *(controlPoints[3] - controlPoints[0]).Length();
		d = Clamp(d, 0.0f, 300.0f);
		controlPoints[1] = controlPoints[0] + d * tan.Normalized();


void UICurve::SetEndPoint(Vector3 newPos, bool moveTangent)
	if (controlPoints.Size() < 4)
		URHO3D_LOGERROR("Control points have not been initialize.");

	//get move vec
	Vector3 tan = controlPoints[2] - controlPoints[3];
	Vector3 vec = newPos - controlPoints[3];
	controlPoints[3] = newPos;

	if (moveTangent)
		float d = 0.5f * (controlPoints[3] - controlPoints[0]).Length();
		d = Clamp(d, 0.0f, 300.0f);
		controlPoints[2] = controlPoints[3] + d * tan.Normalized();


void UICurve::BezierCurve(int segments)
	int num_segments = segments;
	segments_ = segments;
	float t_step = 1.0f / (float)num_segments;

	//check that we have the right number of control points
	if (controlPoints.Size() < 4)
		URHO3D_LOGERROR("Not enough control points for Bezier curve");

	//clear the path verts

	//push the first point

	for (int i_step = 1; i_step <= num_segments; i_step++)
		float t = t_step * i_step;
		float u = 1.0f - t;
		float w1 = u*u*u;
		float w2 = 3 * u*u*t;
		float w3 = 3 * u*t*t;
		float w4 = t*t*t;

		Vector3 nextVert(w1*controlPoints[0].x_ + w2*controlPoints[1].x_ + w3*controlPoints[2].x_ + w4*controlPoints[3].x_,
			w1*controlPoints[0].y_ + w2*controlPoints[1].y_ + w3*controlPoints[2].y_ + w4*controlPoints[3].y_);

		//push the next pt

	//mark the curve for redraw
	isDirty = true;

void UICurve::OffsetCurve(float thickness)
	//check that path verts has a least two points
	if (pathVerts.Size() < 2)
		URHO3D_LOGERROR("Not enough path verts for curve offset");

	thickness_ = thickness;


	//create the perp lines
	//ordering is 

	0          1
	|          |
	|----------|---------- etc
	|          |
	2          3

	for (int i = 0; i < pathVerts.Size()-1; i++)
		if (i == 0)
			Vector3 dirVec = pathVerts[i + 1] - pathVerts[i];
			Vector3 perpVec(dirVec.y_, -dirVec.x_, 0);

			Vector3 p1 = pathVerts[i] + thickness * perpVec;
			Vector3 p2 = pathVerts[i] - thickness * perpVec;
			Vector3 p3 = pathVerts[i + 1] + thickness * perpVec;
			Vector3 p4 = pathVerts[i + 1] - thickness * perpVec;


		else if (i == pathVerts.Size() - 2)
			Vector3 dirVec = pathVerts[i] - pathVerts[i - 1];
			Vector3 perpVec(dirVec.y_, -dirVec.x_, 0);

			Vector3 p1 = pathVerts[i] + thickness * perpVec;
			Vector3 p2 = pathVerts[i] - thickness * perpVec;
			Vector3 p3 = pathVerts[i + 1] + thickness * perpVec;
			Vector3 p4 = pathVerts[i + 1] - thickness * perpVec;



			Vector3 dirVec = pathVerts[i + 1] - pathVerts[i];
			Vector3 perpVec(dirVec.y_, -dirVec.x_, 0);

			Vector3 p1 = pathVerts[i] + thickness * perpVec;
			Vector3 p2 = pathVerts[i] - thickness * perpVec;
			Vector3 p3 = pathVerts[i + 1] + thickness * perpVec;
			Vector3 p4 = pathVerts[i + 1] - thickness * perpVec;


//void UICurve::BezierCurve(UIBatch& batch, Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c, Vector3 d)
//	int num_segments = 50;
//	float t_step = 1.0f / (float)num_segments;
//	Vector3 v1, v2, v3, v4;
//	v1 = a;
//	for (int i_step = 1; i_step <= num_segments; i_step++)
//	{
//		float t = t_step * i_step;
//		float u = 1.0f - t;
//		float w1 = u*u*u;
//		float w2 = 3 * u*u*t;
//		float w3 = 3 * u*t*t;
//		float w4 = t*t*t;
//		v2 = Vector3(w1*a.x_ + w2*b.x_ + w3*c.x_ + w4*d.x_, w1*a.y_ + w2*b.y_ + w3*c.y_ + w4*d.y_);
//		//URHO3D_LOGINFO("bezier pt: " + String(b));
//		v3 = v2 + Vector3(0, 20, 0);
//		v4 = v1 + Vector3(0, 20, 0);
//		AddCurveSegment(batch, v1, v2, v4, v3);
//		v1 = v2;
//	}

void UICurve::AddCurveSegment(UIBatch& batch, Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c, Vector3 d)
	int x = 0;
	int y = 0;
	const IntVector2& size = GetSize();
	int width = size.x_;
	int height = size.y_;
	Matrix3x4 transform = GetTransform();
	int texOffsetX = imageRect_.left_;
	int texOffsetY = imageRect_.top_;
	int texWidth = imageRect_.right_ - imageRect_.left_;
	int texHeight = imageRect_.bottom_ - imageRect_.top_;

	//URHO3D_LOGINFO("a: " + String(a) + ",b: " + String(b) + ",c: " + String(c) + ",d: " + String(d));
	unsigned topLeftColor, topRightColor, bottomLeftColor, bottomRightColor;

	if (!batch.useGradient_)
		// If alpha is 0, nothing will be rendered, so do not add the quad
		if (!(batch.color_ & 0xff000000))

		topLeftColor = batch.color_;
		topRightColor = batch.color_;
		bottomLeftColor = batch.color_;
		bottomRightColor = batch.color_;
		topLeftColor = batch.GetInterpolatedColor(x, y);
		topRightColor = batch.GetInterpolatedColor(x + width, y);
		bottomLeftColor = batch.GetInterpolatedColor(x, y + height);
		bottomRightColor = batch.GetInterpolatedColor(x + width, y + height);

/*	Vector3 v1 = (transform * Vector3((float)x, (float)y, 0.0f)) - batch.posAdjust;
	Vector3 v2 = (transform * Vector3((float)x + (float)width, (float)y, 0.0f)) - batch.posAdjust;
	Vector3 v3 = (transform * Vector3((float)x, (float)y + (float)height, 0.0f)) - batch.posAdjust;
	Vector3 v4 = (transform * Vector3((float)x + (float)width, (float)y + (float)height, 0.0f)) - batch.posAdjust*/;

	Vector3 v1 = (transform * a) - batch.posAdjust;
	Vector3 v2 = (transform * b) - batch.posAdjust;
	Vector3 v3 = (transform * c) - batch.posAdjust;
	Vector3 v4 = (transform * d) - batch.posAdjust;

	float leftUV = 0.0f; // ((float)texOffsetX) * batch.invTextureSize_.x_;
	float topUV = 0.0f;// ((float)texOffsetY) * batch.invTextureSize_.y_;
	float rightUV = 1.0f;// ((float)(texOffsetX + (texWidth ? texWidth : width))) *batch.invTextureSize_.x_;
	float bottomUV = 1.0f;// ((float)(texOffsetY + (texHeight ? texHeight : height))) * batch.invTextureSize_.y_;

	unsigned begin = batch.vertexData_->Size();
	batch.vertexData_->Resize(begin + 6 * UI_VERTEX_SIZE);
	float* dest = &(batch.vertexData_->At(begin));
	batch.vertexEnd_ = batch.vertexData_->Size();

	dest[0] = v1.x_;
	dest[1] = v1.y_;
	dest[2] = 0.0f;
	((unsigned&)dest[3]) = topLeftColor;
	dest[4] = leftUV;
	dest[5] = topUV;

	dest[6] = v2.x_;
	dest[7] = v2.y_;
	dest[8] = 0.0f;
	((unsigned&)dest[9]) = topRightColor;
	dest[10] = rightUV;
	dest[11] = topUV;

	dest[12] = v3.x_;
	dest[13] = v3.y_;
	dest[14] = 0.0f;
	((unsigned&)dest[15]) = bottomLeftColor;
	dest[16] = leftUV;
	dest[17] = bottomUV;

	dest[18] = v2.x_;
	dest[19] = v2.y_;
	dest[20] = 0.0f;
	((unsigned&)dest[21]) = topRightColor;
	dest[22] = rightUV;
	dest[23] = topUV;

	dest[24] = v4.x_;
	dest[25] = v4.y_;
	dest[26] = 0.0f;
	((unsigned&)dest[27]) = bottomRightColor;
	dest[28] = rightUV;
	dest[29] = bottomUV;

	dest[30] = v3.x_;
	dest[31] = v3.y_;
	dest[32] = 0.0f;
	((unsigned&)dest[33]) = bottomLeftColor;
	dest[34] = leftUV;
	dest[35] = bottomUV;

I forgot to mention I’m using UrhoSharp (.net wrapper) and there is no GetBatches binding.
Is it a good idea to use ortho camera and draw ruler with shader?