Archive 17/01/2023.

RTS rectangle selection using Frustum query


I am trying doing typical RTS unit selection by dragging a rectangle on screen.

I saw the Frustum.c and thought I can manipulate vertices of camera frustum to be the frustum of the rectangle part.
The code is projecting the 4 points of the rectangle to near plane and far plane of camera frustum, then using projected points to form a new frustum for query.

It doesn’t work.
Could I know what’s wrong with it?

IntVector2 rectPos;
IntVector2 rectEnd;
rectPos.x_ = Min(drag_start.x_, pos.x_);
rectPos.y_ = Max(drag_start.y_, pos.y_);
rectEnd.x_ = Max(drag_start.x_, pos.x_);
rectEnd.y_ = Min(drag_start.y_, pos.y_);
if (rectEnd.x_ > rectPos.x_ && rectPos.y_ > rectEnd.y_)
	Graphics* graphics = GetSubsystem<Graphics>();
	Camera* camera = cameraNode_->GetComponent<Camera>();
	Frustum fr = camera->GetFrustum();
	Ray lefttopRectRay = camera->GetScreenRay((float)rectPos.x_ / graphics->GetWidth(), (float)rectPos.y_ / graphics->GetHeight());
	float dNear = lefttopRectRay.HitDistance(fr.planes_[PLANE_NEAR]);
	float dFar = lefttopRectRay.HitDistance(fr.planes_[PLANE_FAR]);
	fr.vertices_[3] = lefttopRectRay.origin_ + dNear * lefttopRectRay.direction_;
	fr.vertices_[7] = lefttopRectRay.origin_ + dFar * lefttopRectRay.direction_;

	Ray leftbottomRectRay = camera->GetScreenRay((float)rectPos.x_ / graphics->GetWidth(), (float)rectEnd.y_ / graphics->GetHeight());
	dNear = leftbottomRectRay.HitDistance(fr.planes_[PLANE_NEAR]);
	dFar = leftbottomRectRay.HitDistance(fr.planes_[PLANE_FAR]);
	fr.vertices_[2] = leftbottomRectRay.origin_ + dNear * leftbottomRectRay.direction_;
	fr.vertices_[6] = leftbottomRectRay.origin_ + dFar * leftbottomRectRay.direction_;

	Ray righttopRectRay = camera->GetScreenRay((float)rectEnd.x_ / graphics->GetWidth(), (float)rectPos.y_ / graphics->GetHeight());
	dNear = righttopRectRay.HitDistance(fr.planes_[PLANE_NEAR]);
	dFar = righttopRectRay.HitDistance(fr.planes_[PLANE_FAR]);
	fr.vertices_[0] = righttopRectRay.origin_ + dNear * righttopRectRay.direction_;
	fr.vertices_[4] = righttopRectRay.origin_ + dFar * righttopRectRay.direction_;

	Ray rightbottomRectRay = camera->GetScreenRay((float)rectEnd.x_ / graphics->GetWidth(), (float)rectEnd.y_ / graphics->GetHeight());
	dNear = rightbottomRectRay.HitDistance(fr.planes_[PLANE_NEAR]);
	dFar = rightbottomRectRay.HitDistance(fr.planes_[PLANE_FAR]);
	fr.vertices_[1] = rightbottomRectRay.origin_ + dNear * rightbottomRectRay.direction_;
	fr.vertices_[5] = rightbottomRectRay.origin_ + dFar * rightbottomRectRay.direction_;


	PODVector<Drawable *> results;
	FrustumOctreeQuery query(results, fr);
	URHO3D_LOGINFO(Urho3D::String("select ") + Urho3D::String(results.Size()) + Urho3D::String(" things"));
	for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < results.Size(); ii++)
		URHO3D_LOGINFO(Urho3D::String("select ") + Urho3D::String(results[ii]->GetNode()->GetName()));


The rect should be

IntVector2 rectPos;
IntVector2 rectEnd;
rectPos.x_ = Min(drag_start.x_, pos.x_);
rectPos.y_ = Min(drag_start.y_, pos.y_);
rectEnd.x_ = Max(drag_start.x_, pos.x_);
rectEnd.y_ = Max(drag_start.y_, pos.y_);
if (rectEnd.x_ > rectPos.x_ && rectEnd.y_ > rectPos.y_)

It still doesn’t work always.
Sometimes hitdistance on near plane will return infinite, how does it happen?
The near plane should be always in front of camera, isn’t it?


Just curious
How long have you tried it?

Rect r = Rect((float)minX/w, (float)minY/ h, (float)maxX/ w, (float)maxY/ h);
for (int i = 0; i < lstEnt.Size(); ++i)
Vector2 pos = cameraNode_->GetComponent<Camera>()->WorldToScreenPoint(lstEnt[i]->GetNode()->GetWorldPosition());
				if (r.IsInside(pos))

Hi George1
Because there will be a lot of objects(at least 10,000~20,000), I want to take advantage of octree.

By adding a nearclip using GetSplitFrustum, it seems OK now.

Frustum fr = camera->GetSplitFrustum(1.0f, 1000.0f);

Thanks for the detail.

Best regards