:information_source: How to: Exporting LODs with Blender

Great stuff! and hey, finally see the face behind that one-eyed alien monster
Keep it up, cheers.

Always wanted to know, in Europe all know English so good?

[quote=“rasteron”]Great stuff! and hey, finally see the face behind that one-eyed alien monster
Keep it up, cheers.[/quote]
Hehe. I’m sure to make more. Apart from just gladly feeding the knowledge base, I may use things like this to become a BFCT someday.
Well, people who were born and raised in the Netherlands tend to be quite good English speakers since it’s such a small country. Dutch being a relatively small language, most movies are foreign (mainly of US-origin) and are subtitled instead of dubbed (this happens only for kids). Also its rare for games to be available in Dutch. On top of that we were early to have Internet access at home because my brother adopted an interest for computers at an early age.
People who grew up in the former GDR tend to be better at Russian, since that’s what they were taught. And many French seem to have a certain linguistic pride which makes them refuse to speak English, even though they could. So no, not all.
I do have a small interest in etymology, language and with it correct pronunciation as well. So thanks.