Hi, I’m new to urho3d and came from Unity as well. What’s your reason for switching to urho3d recently?[/quote]
For what I’m doing, performance, flexibility, and API features, are reasons why I’ve switched. I was never using Unity for its Editor, for me I was just using it for the API. However, when it comes to performance and getting tied down to the Garbage Collection process, it was hard to come with with enough tricks in Unity to boost it. Plus, having access to the source code is very nice when you’re trying to figure things out. I’ve also tried UE4, although for what I’m working on Urho3D is a much better fit, and the code is SO much cleaner. Don’t get me wrong, Unity has a clean API, but Urho just feels like heaven when coding with it.
In the end, you need to figure out what the needs are for your game. All engines (to get their full benefit) will require you to get messy with the code. Even with UE4, if you try to use Blueprints for everything you’ll start to notice some huge performance hits. Urho’s shining feature (IMO) isn’t its editor, but its clean code implementation and the API that goes with it. Again however, a person would need to figure what features their game needs to discover the engine that bests suits it.